There are options with services that will be tailored to the individual needs of each person, home or workplace. For Building Biology the cost will depend on which audit and the size of the building. All audits are done in line with international Building Biology standards. Kathryn will deliver a report that identifies potential health issues with the building and suggested changes. Cost for Nutrition consultations are supplied below.
Building Biology and Building Wellness Services
This audit would suit anyone who can see or smell mould, has had flooding or water damage in a building or has any other issues around moisture. Also, anyone who suspects they have symptoms associated with mould exposure such as allergies, fatigue, recurring colds, ear infections, pneumonia or ongoing respiratory problems. The audit includes a visual inspection and assessment of moisture levels, along with the use of specialized equipment. It may be necessary to conduct air sampling to determine the type and prevalence of bacteria and mould in a particular area. Recommendations will aim to eliminate the source of moisture through cleaning, remediation and potentially building and plumbing work. Contact us for a quote
Are you sensitive to chemicals? Do you react when you’re in a cosmetics department, cleaning aisle or store selling cheap clothing or furnishings? This audit will focus on eliminating chemicals from your indoor environment including in your food, and could include pre and post-testing. It will include guidelines to help detoxify chemicals from your body following the removal of environmental toxins. Contact us for a quote
Allergies and asthma are now at epidemic levels, and Australians are the second-highest allergy sufferers in the world. This is a concerning area of health, particularly given many of the allergens that affect people come from indoor environments. This audit is ideal if you have anyone who is suffering from (or you suspect they are) allergies, asthma, eczema (or other skin issue), hay fever, sinusitis and other respiratory issues. Along with identifying allergens, this audit may include a discussion and testing around food, and consideration of water sources and water testing. Contact us for a quote
A deep dive into causes of health issues and creating the healthiest life possible. This is for anyone who wants to create the healthiest home or workplace, or who suffers from symptoms they suspect are linked to being in the building. The aim is to either proactively create a healthy environment and life, or uncover potential causes for specific health symptoms. It includes testing of electromagnetic field sources, assessment of products containing any chemicals, assessment of dust, furnishings, building design and materials, mould and other allergens, analysis of the water source, access to nutrition to support a healthy life and other behaviours that may be impacting your health. Building Wellness Extension includes a more detailed health history and clinical nutrition recommendations. Contact us for a quote
The World Health Organisation has listed EMFs (both magnetic frequencies and radio frequencies) as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, and there are many other problems that have been associated with EMFs – headaches, fatigue, insomnia, loss of memory, lack of concentration, chronic fatigue and neuro-degenerative diseases. An audit will include testing EMFs that may be impacting you in your home. This is a complex process that requires specialised equipment and an understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as shielding techniques that may be required to protect people. Common problem sources for EMFs include mobile phone towers, smart meters, overhead wires and substations, household appliances, meter boxes and the continually growing levels of wireless technology. Contact us for a quote
This would suit anyone who has gut problems, kidney or liver issues, eczema or anyone concerned about their water. Due to the many health issues related to our drinking water in Australia, Building Biologists consider a water filter a necessity not a luxury. The assessment will provide details of potential contaminants (pesticides, bacteria, chlorine, fluoride, lead, copper etc. based on your water source and supply. It will detail exactly what the best filtering system is for you. In some circumstances, water testing will be required. Contact us for a quote
Ensuring that you aren’t investing in or renting a home that has moisture/mould problems, exposures to EMFs that can't be rectified amongst other potential exposures. There will need to be some access to the property to deliver the best recommendation. Contact us for a quote
Nutrition Services
As a Nutritionist, Kathryn has a qualification in nutritional medicine, she is a registered member of the Australian Natural Medicine Association and works one-on-one with people in a clinical situation. Kathryn is qualified to assess someone’s current and historical health and explain how food, nutritional medicine and lifestyle changes will help specific health issues. She will set goals, and develop a plan specific to each client and their needs.
The way I work is to look at the body as a whole. I treat each client as an individual and focus on their unique situation, to understand causes for health problems. Using food as medicine is fundamental to healing, which sometimes includes nutritional supplements. I consider your health history and any current blood or other test results and treatments, to come up with a treatment plan that is tailored to YOU. Your treatment plan will include nutrition and lifestyle, as well as potential supplementation and further testing. In clinic, I focus on educating clients for the long term and developing practical treatments that will allow their bodies to heal in the most natural way possible. I offer lots of support throughout the treatment period, to help enable you to achieve your goals.
What is most unique about how I work as a Nutritionist is I also recommend environmental health changes to get the most powerful impact and rectify other underlying causes. For example, if someone has allergies or asthma it's important to consider dietary changes as well as things in the home that may be causing their symptoms.
Consultations and fees
In Person in Northern Rivers or via Skype
Initial Consultation (up to 90 minutes) $150
Follow-up Consultation (up to 60 minutes) $100
Pathology testing
Functional pathology testing can be organised, and I can do a referral for your GP to organise blood tests.
Do you or any of your family experience health issues such as Allergies, Digestive issues or sleep problems? Or do you have lots of small health problems, ongoing fatigue or brain fog? Contact us for a quote
Feng Shui Services
Kathryn is a qualified Feng Shui practitioner through the Australian College of Environmental Studies. Feng Shui can help to create healthy living and work environments, as well as help us achieve our goals. Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese method of considering the impact a building has on its occupants and aims to create health, harmony, productivity, prosperity and overall well-being. Your home should feel like a sanctuary that energises you and improves your quality of life.
Have you ever walked into a property or room that looks appealing but something doesn’t feel right? Have you ever moved somewhere and experienced positive or negative changes to your career, finances, health or relationships? It's possible these situations are being influenced by the Feng Shui of the property. Feng Shui looks at subtle energies through a building that creates feelings of harmony or disharmony. A Feng Shui audit is very personalised and will focus on areas of life you want to change such as health, finance, relationships and career.

Feng Shui Audits - are done around individual requirements including:
full home or workplace audits
renovation or building advice
pre-purchase or pre-rental
Pre-build plan
specific focus on sleep or other areas of health, relationships or finance
Clutter Clearing - We use an effective process to help people who need to clear clutter.